Project Free to Choose
Development of the project Free to Choose (2017-2019), co-funded by the European Programme Rights, Equality and Citizenship – DG Justice and Consumers of the European Commission. This project intended to fight gender stereotypes near youngsters in transition phases of their lives, within School and/or the Labour Market. Free to Choose had three main phases: in a first moment the partnership developed a social research on gender stereotypes; in a second moment it conceived a game aimed to be used and played by youngsters in educational contexts while embracing the project’s main theme (fight gender stereotypes); in a third moment the game was experimented and tested it’s effectiveness. This last moment was carried under the responsibility of APLOAD. The partnership of Free to Choose was made by Social Cooperative ITACA Onlus, the coordinator (NGO, Italy), Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (Regional Government, Italy), Instituto di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali Friuli Venezia Giulia – IRES FVG (NGO, Italy), UNIMORE – Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (University, Italy), Universitat de València (University, Spain), Opcionate (NGO, Spain), MIGS – Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (NGO, Cyprus) MCBIT (NGO, Slovenia), Zavod Nefiks (NGO, Slovenia) and APLOAD Lda (company, Portugal).